Scout Radio

Reunion 2015: Tesco Eat Happy

Scout Radio talked to Tesco, a key corporate partner of The Scout Association to find out about their latest project ‘Eat Happy’ which aims to give children the knowledge and skills they need to have a happy and healthy relationship with food.

Alice spoke to Michelle, a community champion for Tesco who told us more about the project.

A lot of young people don’t actually know where their food comes from, they don’t know that eggs come from chickens, milk comes from cows, it all comes from the supermarket, so they’re learning the origins of their food.

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Whilst having a go at making some delicious fruit kebabs Alice learned that Tesco have devised Farm to Fork Trails. This is an opportunity to take Beavers and Cubs  to a Tesco store to learn where their food comes from in a fun and interactive way. The project aims to teach young people where their food is grown through touch, smell and taste with the chance to earn a Farm to Fork badge.

To find out more about the Eat Happy project and how to take part head to the website